Ceramic Crafts A-G
From low-fire, to high-fire ceramics, our artists make an assortment of pieces, ranging from practical items to decorative creations. Variety of both red clay and white clay pieces.
Naturally Inspired
Please Keep In Mind That:
♥ All of our items are handmade, and so the sizes in the descriptions are approximations.
♥ Availability of colors and designs will depend on the artist and the materials at hand.
♥ Stands used to prop items up in the photos are additional pieces, not included with the
item. They can be purchased separately.
♥ There is an 11.5% sales tax to add to the total of the order; the tax applies to the shipping and handling too.
♥ Shipping and Handling will depend on the item(s) selected.
♥ To place an order, please e-mail, call or text us at (787) 725 - 5596 to verify
availability of items and receive a shipping and handling estimate.
♥ We only mail to P.R. and the U.S.A.
♥ Photos do not represent the size of the item (please read the dimensions provided).
♥ Camera flash might alter colors.
Aníbal Rodríguez (Manatí, P.R.)
About the Artist:
He participates in many fairs.
Ceramic Plaques and Figurines
Hand-made items.

CAnR-A : Ceramic Plaques with Loving Messages
$16.00 each
3.75"L x 0.25"W x 5.25"H
The artist signs them with his artistic name.
Hangs from Wall.
There are different combinations of heart styles and flower colors.
Translations in English on the back.
There are different patterns for the border.
You can order a PERSONALIZED item! Artist can write person's name. (Ex: Mary I Love You.)
CAnR-A1 - Mommy I Love You
CAnR-A2 - Daddy I Love You
CAnR-A3 - Grandma I Love You
CAnR-A4 - Grandpa I Love You
CAnR-A5 - Aunt I Love You
CAnR-A6 - Uncle I Love You
CAnR-A7 - Sister I Love You
CAnR-A8 - Brother I Love You
CAnR-A9 - Daughter I Love You
CAnR-A10 - Son I Love You
CAnR-A11 - Granddaughter I Love You
CAnR-A12 - Grandson I Love You
CAnR-A13 - Niece I Love You
CAnR-A14 - Nephew I Love You
CAnR-A15 - Godmother I Love You
CAnR-A16 - Godfather I Love You
CAnR-A17 - Wife I Love You
CAnR-A18 - Husband I Love You
CAnR-A19 - Cousin (Female) I Love You
CAnR-A20 - Cousin (Male) I Love You
CAnR-A21 - Mom and Dad I Love You
CAnR-A22 - My Teacher is Filled with Love
CAnR-A23 - Thank You For Your Support
CAnR-A24 - I Love You
CAnR-A25 - Jesus Loves You
CAnR-A26 - God Heals and Saves
CAnR-A27 - God Faithful Friend
CAnR-A28 - God Loves You
CAnR-A29 - If close to a good tree, good
shade will shelter you.
CAnR-A30 - Health, Love, Money, and
Time to Enjoy Them.
CAnR-A31 - Love enters through the
CAnR-A32 - It is never late, if the venture
is good.
CAnR-A33 - Never backwards, not even
to gain momentum.
CAnR-A34 - Do good without paying
attention to others.

CAnR-B : Hearts and Flowers
These items can be placed on a flat surface or hang on the wall (it has a hollow space on the back).
The Hearts are big enough to keep something small (like a ring or earrings). Notice there are 3 available interior designs : Fort, Turtle, and Taíno Coquí. B1 Hearts available in 9 colors. B2 Hearts only in 3 colors.
The Flowers are much bigger and can hold keys, change, etc. The Flowers hang in a T formation (see photo). B3 Flowers available in 5 colors.
CAnR-B1 - $8.00, Small Hearts, 3"L x 1.5"W x 2.5"H
CAnR-B2 - $12.00, Medium Hearts, 4"L x 1.5"W x 3.5"H
CAnR-B3 - $24.00, Flowers, 5"L x 2"W x 5"H

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CAnR-C : Autumn Leaves
Hangs from wall or lays on shelf.
These are only decorative; NOT food-safe items.
The "On Wall" photos were included to show the orientation of
the leaves when hanging on the wall.
CAnR-C1 - $24.00, Regular Small, 7"L x 2"W x 5"H
CAnR-C2 - $24.00, Yautía Small, 7"L x 1.5"W x 5.5"H
CAnR-C3 - $36.00, Yagrumo Medium, 8.25"L x 1.25"W x 7.5"H
CAnR-C4 - $36.00, Yautía Medium, 7"L x 2"W x 8.5"H
CAnR-C5 - $36.00, Uva de Playa Medium, 8"L x 2"W x 6.5"H
CAnR-C6 - $36.00, Regular Medium, 9"L x 2"W x 6"H
CAnR-C7 - $48.00, Regular Large, 7.75"L x 3"W x 12.25"H

CAnR-D : Crosses
Hangs from wall.
The heart and the 5 nails represent Jesus Christ on the cross.
CAnR-D2 - Cross available in various colors.
CAnR-D1 - $8.00, Small, 1.75"L x 3"H
CAnR-D2 - $20.00, Medium, "L x "W x "H

CAnR-E : Holy Water Plaques
$30.00 each
4.25"L x 6.75"H
Hangs from wall.
The Blue Basin represents the Holy Water.
CAnR-E1 - Heart Design
CAnR-E2 - Cross Design
Annette Carazo (San Juan, P.R.)
About the Artist:
Talented Ceramist.
Ceramic Plaques and Figurines
Hand-made items.

Side View
Female Accountant
Male Accountant
Figurines of Different Professions
$60.00 each
5.25"H and 4"D (handmade, so sizes are approximations)
Outfits available in different colors.
Skin tone is tan/light brown.
Hair has gray streaks.

Male Nurse
Female Nurse
Female Lawyer
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Male Lawyer
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Female Doctor

Male Elementary Teacher
Female Elementary Teacher

Male Doctor
Female Agriculturist
Male Chef
Male Veterinarian
Female Veterinarian

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Male Agriculturist
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Female Chef
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Female Hair Stylist
Female Judge
Male Hair Stylist
Male Judge
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Female Pharmacist
Male Pharmacist
Female Dentist
Male Dentist
Female Professor
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Male Professor
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Alberto Rodríguez (Comerío, P.R.)
Ceramic Antique Reproductions
Hand-made façades of the Old San Juan buildings, as well as accurate replicas of distinguished buildings.
He also makes a wide variety of ceramic stands.
About the Artist:
Renowned Sculptor.

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CALR-A : Flag Door
$60.00 each
"L x "H
Hangs from wall.
The ceramic door is mounted onto a wooden rectangle.
CALR-A1 - Puerto Rican Flag
CALR-A2 - Protest Flag

CALR-B : Old San Juan Doors
$50.00 each
4"L x 7"H
Hangs from wall.
The ceramic door is mounted onto a wooden rectangle.
More colors are available.

CALR-C : Small Doors
$30.00 each
2"L x 3.75"H
Stands upright.
The ceramic door is mounted onto a wooden base.
More colors and styles are available.
CALR-C1 - On Thin Base
CALR-C2 - On Wide Base

CALR-D : Medium Doors
$50.00 each
4"L x 4.25"H
Stands upright.
The ceramic door is mounted onto a wooden base.
More colors and styles are available.
CALR-D1 - Medium Door

CALR-E : The Santurce Houses (Small)
$160.00 each
5"L x 4"W x 6.75"H
Stands upright.
The ceramic door is mounted onto a wooden base.
Authentic reproductions of the houses in the Santurce area.
More colors available.
CALR-E1 - Stairs on the Left
CALR-E2 - Stairs on the Right

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CALR-F : The Santurce Houses (Large)
$180.00 each
7"L x 4.5"W x 8"H
Stands upright.
The ceramic door is mounted onto a wooden base.
Authentic reproductions of the houses in the Santurce area.
More colors available.
CALR-F1 - Stairs on the Left
CALR-F2 - Stairs on the Right

CALR-G : Accurate Reproductions
$150.00 each
10"L x 7"H
Hangs from wall.
The ceramic door is mounted onto a wooden base.
CALR-G1 - Flag Door Building
CALR-G2 - Protest Flag Building
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CALR-H : Small Stands (Repisas Pequeñas)
$70.00 each
3.5"L x 3.5"W x 5.25"H
Hangs from wall.
Some designs are meant to complement specific saints.
CALR-H1 - Flowers
CALR-H2 - Clovers
CALR-H3 - Stars (Lady of Guadalupe)
CALR-H4 - Double Heart
CALR-H5 - Triple Diamond
CALR-H6 - Flowers and Cross (St. Teresa)
CALR-H7 - Red Hearts (Sacred Heart)
CALR-H8 - Fish (St. Raphael)
CALR-H9 - Arrows (St. Sebastian)
CALR-H10 - Tower (St. Barbara)
CALR-H11 - Flames (Soul in Purgatory)

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CALR-I : Medium Stands (Repisas Medianas)
$90.00 each
5"L x 4"W x 6"H
Hangs from wall.
Some designs are meant to complement specific saints.
CALR-H1 - Flowers
CALR-H2 - Stars (Lady of Guadalupe
CALR-H3 - Tower (St. Barbara)
CALR-H4 - Double Heart
CALR-H5 - Triple Diamond
CALR-H6 - Flowers and Cross (St. Teresa)
CALR-H7 - Red Hearts (Sacred Heart)
CALR-H8 - Fish (St. Raphael)
CALR-H9 - Arrows (St. Sebastian)
CALR-H10 - Flames (Soul in Purgatory)
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CALR-J : Large Stands (Repisas Grandes)
$100.00 each
"L x "H
Hangs from wall.
Some designs are meant to complement specific saints.
CALR-H1 - Flowers
CALR-H2 - Stars (Lady of Guadalupe
CALR-H3 - Tower (St. Barbara)
CALR-H4 - Double Heart
CALR-H5 - Triple Diamond
CALR-H6 - Flowers and Cross (St. Teresa)
CALR-H7 - Red Hearts (Sacred Heart)
CALR-H8 - Fish (St. Raphael)
CALR-H9 - Arrows (St. Sebastian)
CALR-H10 - Flames (Soul in Purgatory)
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Áurea Marcano (Carolina, P.R.)
About the Artist:
Renowned Sculptor.
Ceramic Creations
Variety of ceramic pieces.

CAM-A : Nativity and Wise Men Sets
$30.00 each
3.75"L x 3.5"W x 5"H
Stands upright.
The ceramic pieces are mounted onto a wooden base.
CALR-G1 - Flag Door Building
CAM-A1 - with the Fort
CAM-A2 - with San Juan Buildings
CAM-A3 - with the Christ Chapel
CAM-A4 - with Countryside Houses
CAM-A5 - with PR Flag Door

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CAM-B : Island Plaques
$30.00 each
6.5"L x 3.25"H
Hangs from a string.
The shape is of the island of P.R.
CALR-G1 - Flag Door Building
CAM-B1 - Palm Tree and Flamboyán (Night)
CAM-B2 - Palm Tree and Flamboyán (Day)
CAM-B3 - Fort and Flag (Night)
CAM-B4 - Fort and Flag (Day)
CAM-B5 - Flamboyán and Houses (Night)
CAM-B6 - Flamboyán and Houses (Day)
CAM-B7 - Fort and Palm Tree (Night)
CAM-B8 - Fort and Palm Tree (Day)
CAM-B9 - Double Flamboyán (Night)
CAM-B10 - Double Flamboyán (Day)
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CAM-C : Round Plaques
$30.00 each
Hangs from a string.
CALR-G1 - Flag Door Building
CAM-C1 - Palm Tree and Houses (Night)
CAM-C2 - Palm Tree and Houses (Day)
CAM-C3 - Fort and Palm Tree (Night)
CAM-C4 - Fort and Palm Tree (Day)
CAM-C5 - Flamboyán and Houses (Night)
CAM-C6 - Flamboyán and Houses (Day)
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CAM-D : Artistic Faces
$125.00 each
7"L x 16"H
Hangs from wall.
Everything is ceramic, except for the eyelashes - which are real construction nails!
Unfortunately, these faces are too fragile and cannot be mailed!
CALR-G1 - Flag Door Building
CAM-D1 - Many unique designs are available!
Anna "Ñeca" Negrón (San Juan, P.R.)
About the Artist:
She participates in many fairs.
Ceramic Creations
Variety of ceramic pieces.
She signs her nickname "Ñeca" on the back of each item.

CAN-A : Cat Figurines
$40.00 - $45.00 each
4.25"L x 5.5"H approx.
Stands upright.
Various flower and heart colors available.
CALR-G1 - Flag Door Building
CAN-A1 - Large Cat
CAN-B : Driftwood Designs
Price Range: $16.00 - $24.00 each
Height Range: 3.5"H - 6.25"H
Hangs on wall using soda lid.
Flowers available in different colors and styles.
The ceramic pieces are glued onto small pieces of driftwood.
CALR-G1 - Flag Door Building
CAN-B1 - Flower Design
CAN-B2 - Sailboat Design

Check out more of Anna's work in our Christmas Tree Ornaments page.

CAN-C : "Bienvenidos" Plaques
Hangs from wall.
Various designs available.
approximate sizes
CALR-G1 - Flag Door Building
CAN-C1 - $40.00, Daisies, 6.25"L x 6"H
CAN-C2 - $70.00, Houses (Large), 7"L x 6"H
CAN-C3-1 $30.00, Houses (Small)
CAN-C4-1 $70.00, Cat House

CAN-D : Key Holders
$40.00 - $60.00 each
Hangs from wall.
Various designs available.
approximate sizes
CALR-G1 - Flag Door Building
CAN-D1 - $40.00, Unglazed Hearts, wood is 8"L x 3.5"H

CAN-E : Decorative Toppers
$12.00 each
Various lengths available.
Aluminum wire rod.
Can be used as a Cake Topper or as a Potted Plant Decoration.
CALR-G1 - Flag Door Building
CAN-E1 - Flower

CAN-F : Long Mobiles
$48.00 each
Length Range: 14"L - 20"L
Hangs from wall.
Plain white ceramic on the back.
Variety of colors available.
Not meant as a windchime because it does not make sound and the ceramic beads might break if the wind is constantly banging them into each other.
CALR-G1 - Flag Door Building
CAN-F1 - Bird
CAN-F2 - Thin Heart
CAN-F3 - Chubby Heart

CAN-G : Extra Long Mobiles
$60.00 each
Length Range: 22"L - 26"L
Hangs from wall.
REVERSIBLE! Has designs on both FRONT and BACK.
Variety of colors available.
Some are decorated with bits of driftwood.
Not meant as a windchime because it does not make sound and the ceramic beads might break if the wind is constantly banging them into each other.
CALR-G1 - Flag Door Building
CAN-F1 - Bird
CAN-F2 - Thin Heart
CAN-F3 - Chubby Heart
Carlos del Valle (San Germán, P.R.)
About the Artist:
He participates in many fairs.
Ceramic Figurines
Variety of designs featuring the Three Wise Men and Don Quijote.

CCDV-A : Hanging Plaques with Three Wise Men
$9.00 each
Handmade, so sizes will vary.
Various colors aviailable.
Hangs from a hook.
CALR-G1 - Flag Door Building
CCDV-A1 - Star Shaped, 4"L x 4.25"H
CCDV-A2 - Yagrumo Shaped, 4.25"L x 4"H
CCDV-A3 - Guitar Shaped, 3"L x 5.5"H
CCDV-A4 - Güiro Shaped, 2.75"L x 4.75"H

CCDV-B : Red Clay Three Wise Men Stars
$10.00 each
Various colors aviailable.
Hangs from string
CALR-G1 - Flag Door Building
CCDV-B1 - Star Shaped, 4"L x 4"H

CCDV-C : Small Figurines
$15.00 each
Various colors aviailable.
CALR-G1 - Flag Door Building
CCDV-C1 - Three Wise Men, molded together, 3.5"L x 2.5"W x 5"H
CCDV-C2 - Three Wise Men, spaced out, 3.5"L x 2.5"W x 5"H
CCDV-C3 - Nativity, molded together, 3.5"L x 2.5"W x 4.75"H
CCDV-C4 - Don Quijote, short, 3.5"L x 2.5"W x 5"H
CCDV-C5 - Don Quijote, tall, 3"L x 3"W x 6.5"H

CCDV-D : Medium Figurines
Various colors aviailable.
CALR-G1 - Flag Door Building
CCDV-D1 - $26.00, Three Wise Men, 3"L x 3"W x 8.5"H
CCDV-D2 - $30.00, Three Wise Men, spaced out, 5.25"L x 3.5"W x 7"H
CCDV-D3 - $30.00, Three Wise Men with Flag, 6"L x 3.5"W x 6.25"H
CCDV-D4 - $30.00, Three Wise Men with Flowy Capes, 6"L x 3.5"W x 6.5"H

CCDV-E : Large Figurines
Various colors aviailable.
CALR-G1 - Flag Door Building
CCDV-E1 - $62.00, Don Quijote, 4"L x 2.5"W x 14"H
CCDV-E2 - $62.00, Quijote and Windmill, 3.75"L x 2.5"W x 13"H
CCDV-E3 - $62.00, Quijote and Sancho Panza, 4"L x 2.5"W x 13.25"H
CCDV-E4 - $62.00, Wide Quijote and Windmill, 6.25"L x 6.25"W x 14"H
Debra Delgado (San Juan, P.R.)
About the Artist:
She participates in many fairs.
Plaques with Taíno Symbols
The Taínos were the indigenous natives on the island of Puerto Rico. These were their drawings. Archaeologists have given some of them names, but they were images used by the Taínos to represent the world around them.
Hang from leather strap.
Signed on the back.

CDD-A : Small Plaques
$20.00 each
All 9 designs available in either green, red, or blue.
CDD-A1 - Cacique (Chief)
CDD-A2 - Sol de Utuado (Utuado Sun)
CDD-A3 - Sol de Camuy (Camuy Sun)
CDD-A4 - Coquí (Coquí Frog)
CDD-A5 - Rostro (Face)
CDD-A6 - Sol de Jayuya (Jayuya Sun)
CDD-A7 - Tinglar (Turtle)
CDD-A8 - Yoca Hu (Sun god)
CDD-A9 - Caguana (Fertility Goddess)

CDD-B : Large Plaques
$40.00 each
All 9 designs available in either green, red, or blue.
CDD-B1 - Cacique (Chief)
CDD-B2 - Sol de Utuado (Utuado Sun)
CDD-B3 - Sol de Camuy (Camuy Sun)
CDD-B4 - Coquí (Coquí Frog)
CDD-B5 - Rostro (Face)
CDD-B6 - Sol de Jayuya (Jayuya Sun)
CDD-B7 - Tinglar (Turtle)
CDD-B8 - Yoca Hu (Sun god)
CDD-B9 - Caguana (Fertility Goddess)
CDD-B10 - Modern Sun

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Edna Monge (San Juan, P.R.)
Ceramic Keyholders with Pet Themes
Cute keyholders that could also be used to hold pet leashes and collars.
Order a personalized keyholder with your pet's name!
About the Artist:
She participates in many fairs.

CEDN-A : Bone-Shaped Keyholders (Large)
$24.00 each
7"L x 5"H
Various colors and patterns available.
Has 3 metal hooks.
CALR-G1 - Flag Door Building
CEDN-A1 - Paw Shape with P.R. Flag
CEDN-A2 - "Puerto Rican Pets" with P.R. Flag in the Background
CEDN-A3 - "I Love My Stray"
CEDN-A4 - "I Love My Pets"
CEDN-A5 - "I Love My _____" Many Dog Breeds Available

CEDN-B : Bone-Shaped Keyholders (Small)
$10.00 each
4"L x 3"H
Various colors and patterns available.
Has 2 metal hooks.
CALR-G1 - Flag Door Building
CEDN-B1 - "I Love Pets"
CEDN-B2 - "I Love My ____" Many Dog Breeds Available

CEDN-C : Pet Face Keyholders
$24.00 each
More color combinations available.
Has 3 metal hooks.
CALR-G1 - Flag Door Building
CEDN-C1 - Dog with hanging ears, 7"L x 4.5"H
CEDN-C2 - Dog with pointy ears, 4.25"L x 7.5"H
CEDN-C3 - Cat, 6.75"L x 4"H

CEDN-D : Rectangular Keyholders (Large)
$24.00 each
7.75"L x 4"H
Has 3 metal hooks.
CALR-G1 - Flag Door Building
CEDN-D1 - I love reading and coffee
CEDN-D2 - My heart choco-beats for you
CEDN-D3 - I love coffee breaks
CEDN-D4 - In wine there is truth
CEDN-D5 - In wine there is truth
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CEDN-E : Rectangular Keyholder (Small)
$10.00 each
4.25"L x 3"H
Has 2 metal hooks.
CALR-G1 - Flag Door Building
CEDN-E1 - I love to read
Edgardo Moisés (San Juan, P.R.)
About the Artist:
He participates in many fairs.
Ceramic Sculptures
Modern sculptures with rough, textured designs.
His pieces are almost ONE-OF-A-KIND, so we don't have multiples of them.

CEDG-A : Sculptural Chairs
$200.00 each
4.25"L x 3.5"W x 12"H
CALR-G1 - Flag Door Building
CEDG-A1 - Heart
CEDG-A2 - Person and Heart
CEDG-A3 - Hearts and Key
CEDG-A4 - Cupcake
CEDG-A5 - Flower
CEDG-A6 - Star

CEDG-B : Heart Boxes
$40.00 each
CALR-G1 - Flag Door Building
CEDG-B1 - Heart, 2.5"Diameter, 3.25"H
CEDG-B2 - Heart with Wings, 2.5"Diameter, 4"H

CEDG-C : Heart with Wings Plaque
$72.00 each
Hangs from wall
Heart available in different colors
CALR-G1 - Flag Door Building
CEDG-C1 - Heart
Elizabeth González (Naguabo, P.R.)
About the Artist:
She participates in many fairs.
Variety of Ceramic Figurines
From small plaques to larger decorative items.

CEG-A : Dog and Cat Plaques
$various prices
Hang from wall.
CALR-G1 - Flag Door Building
CEG-A1 - Dog with Heart, 2"L x 3.5"H, $11
CEG-A2 - Dog without Heart, 2"L x 3.5"H, $11
CEG-A3 - Cat with Heart, 3.5"L x 2.25"H, $11

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CEG-B1 : Cat Figurines (Small)
$28.00 each
CALR-G1 - Flag Door Building
CEG-B1-1 - Cat with Bird
CEG-B1-2 - Cat with Heart
CEG-B1-3 - Cat with Flowers
CEG-B4 - Cat with Sailboat
CEG-B5 - Cat with Butterfly
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CEG-B2 & B3 : Cat Figurines (Medium and Large)
Available with different details
CALR-G1 - Flag Door Building
CEG-B2 - $50.00, Medium Cat, 7.25"H
CEG-B3 - $70.00, Large Cat, 8.75"H

CEG-C1 : Butterflies (Small)
$12.00 each
2.5"L x 2.25"H
Hang from wall.
They have cute wire antennae.
Signed on the back.
CALR-G1 - Flag Door Building
CEG-C1-1 - Teal
CEG-C1-2 - Red and Lime Green
CEG-C1-3 - Red
CEG-C1-4 - Orange
CEG-C1-5 - Lime Green
CEG-C1-6 - Orange and Lime Green
CEG-C1-7 - Lime Green and Teal
CEG-C1-8 - White
CEG-C1-9 - Turquoise

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CEG-C2 : Butterflies (Medium)
$15.00 each
5.5"L x 3.5"H
Hangs from wall
They have cute wire antennae.
Available in the 8 color combinations seen in the CEG-C1 Small Butterflies.
CALR-G1 - Flag Door Building
CEG-C2-P - With POINTY Bottom Wings
CEG-C2-C - With CURVED Bottom Wings

CEG-C3 : Butterflies (Large)
$20.00 each
Hangs from wall.
They have cute wire antennae.
Available in the 8 color combinations seen in the CEG-C1 Small Butterflies.
CALR-G1 - Flag Door Building
CEG-C3-W - With WIDE Wings
CEG-C3-E - With ELONGATED Wings, 6.75"L x 4"H

CEG-D1 : Dragonflies (Small)
$11.00 each
3.75"L x 2.75"H
Hangs from wall.
Available in the 8 color combinations seen in the CEG-C1 Small Butterflies.
CALR-G1 - Flag Door Building
CEG-D1 - Small Dragonfly,
CEG-D2 : Dragonflies (Medium)
$20.00 each
6.25"L x 5.5"H
Hangs from wall.
Available in the 8 color combinations seen in the CEG-C1 Small Butterflies.
CALR-G1 - Flag Door Building
CEG-D2 - Medium Dragonfly,

CEG-E1 : Butterfly Mobile (Small)
$20.00 each
3"L x 8"H
Hangs from wall.
Available in the 8 color combinations seen in the CEG-C1 Small Butterflies.
CALR-G1 - Flag Door Building
CEG-E1-1 - Hope
CEG-E1-2 - Trust
CEG-E1-3 - Love
CEG-E1-4 - Faith
CEG-E1-5 - Amor (Love)
CEG-E1-6 - Pray
CEG-E1-7 - Smile
CEG-E1-8 - Fe (Faith)
CEG-E1-9 - Paz (Peace)

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CEG-E2 : Butterfly Mobile (Medium)
$27.00 each
5.25"L x 9.5"H
Hangs from wall.
Available in the 8 color combinations seen in the CEG-C1 Small Butterflies.
Available in the 9 messages seenin the CEG-E1 Small Butterfly Mobiles.
CALR-G1 - Flag Door Building
CEG-E2-C - With CURVED Bottom Wings
CEG-E2-P - With POINTY Bottom Wings

CEG-F : Small Chairs
$65.00 each
3.25"L x2.5"W x 6.5"H
CALR-G1 - Flag Door Building
CEG-F1 - Cat
CEG-F2 - Hibiscus (Amapola)
CEG-F3 - Bird with Flower Pot
CEG-F4 - Leaves
CEG-F5 - Dog
CEG-F6 - Sailboat
CEG-F7 - Horse
CEG-F8 - Mountain View
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CEG-G : Umbrellas
Hang from wall.
More designs available.
CALR-G1 - Flag Door Building
CEG-G1 - $75.00, Small, 6"L x 2"W x 11"H
CEG-G2 - $160.00, Medium, 11"L x 4"W x 18"H
CEG-G3 - $230.00, Large, 13"L x 1.5"W x 21"H

CEG-H : Bienvenidos & Welcome Plaques
$35.00 each
9"L x 4.5"H
Hangs from wall
All designs available as both "Bienvenidos" and "Welcome".
CALR-G1 - Flag Door Building
CEG-H1 - Bird
CEG-H2 - Hibiscus (Amapola)
CEG-H3 - Sunflower
CEG-H4 - Dragonfly
CEG-H5 - Autumn Leaves
CEG-H6 - Green Leaves
CEG-H7 - Dog
CEG-H8 - Cat
CEG-H9 - Hen and Rooster
CEG-H10 - Butterflies
CEG-H11 - Coffee Mugs
CEG-H12 - Rooster
CEG-H13 - Houses

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CEG-I : Dragonfly Messages
$40.00 each
7"L x 16"H (including string)
Hangs from wall.
CALR-G1 - Flag Door Building
CEG-I1 - God Bless This Home
CEG-I2 - Welcome (Spanish)
CEG-I3 - Welcome (English)

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CEG-J : Cat Messages
$40.00 each
8"L x 11"H (including string)
Hangs from wall.
CALR-G1 - Flag Door Building
CEG-J1 - God Bless This Home
CEG-J2 - Welcome (Spanish)
CEG-J3 - Welcome (English)

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CEG-K : Butterfly Messages
$40.00 each
8.5"L x 2"H (including string)
Hangs from wall.
CEG-K1 - God Bless This Home
CEG-K2 - Welcome (Spanish)
CEG-K3 - Welcome (English)

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CEG-L : Dog Messages
$40.00 each
8.5"L x 10.5"H (including string)
Hangs from wall.
CEG-L1 - God Bless This Home
CEG-L2 - Welcome (Spanish)
CEG-L3 - Welcome (English)

CEG-M : Rooster Messages
$40.00 each
7"L x 12"H (including string)
Hangs from wall.
CEG-M1 - God Bless This Home
CEG-M2 - Welcome (Spanish)
CEG-M3 - Welcome (English)

Female Photographer

CAN-H : Bienvenidos/Welcome on Wood
$40.00-$60.00 each
Variety of colors available.
Hangs from wall.
Can be ordered with either Bienvenidos or Welcome.
CALR-G1 - Flag Door Building
CAN-H1-1 - Sailboats
CAN-H2-1 - Multiple Houses
CAN-H3-1 - Cats with Moon
CAN-H4-1 - Cats with Hearts
CAN-H5-1 - Large Houses
CAN-H6-1 - Medium Houses
CAN-H7-1 - Bird

CAN-I : Cat Face Plates
$20.00 each
Small size, great for holding jewelry!
More colors available.
CALR-G1 - Flag Door Buildin

Male Architect

Female Pediatrician

Female Writer

Female Engineer
Male Engineer
Male Writer
Male Pediatrician
Female Architect
Bipasha Nandy (Guaynabo, P.R.)
About the Artist:
She does not sell in fairs.
Variety of Ceramic Pieces
Food safe plates and small dishes. Food can be served on them!

CBN-A : Round Plates
$30.00 each
"L x "H
Food-Safe Ceramics
CBN-A1-1 : Leaf and Taíno Coquí
CBN-A2-1 : Taíno Coquí in Black
CBN-A3-1 : Taíno Coquí in Blue
CBN-A4-1 : Old San Juan Façade

CBN-B : Rectangular Dishes
$36.00 each
"L x "H
Food-Safe Ceramics
Variety of Patterns and Textures
CBN-B1-1 : in a Mustard Glaze
CBN-B2-1 : in a Lavender Glaze
CBN-B3-1 : in a Gray Glaze

His pieces are almost ONE-OF-A-KIND, so we don't have multiples of them.
Gloria Jiménez (Cabo Rojo, P.R.)
About the Artist:
She participates in many fairs.
Variety of Ceramic Figurines
From small plaques to larger decorative items.

CGJ-A : Small Nativity and Wise Men
$16.00 each
4"L x 3"H
CGJ-A1 - Nativity with Plantain Leaves
CGJ-A2 - Wise Men with Coquí Frog
CGJ-A3 - Wise Men with Poinsettia
CGJ-A4 - Wise Men with Hibiscus (Amapola)

CGJ-B : Nativity and Wise Men
in Yagrumo Leaves
$30.00 each
5.75"L x 3.5"W x 3.5"H
CGJ-B1 - Nativity with Flag
CGJ-B2 - Wise Men with Fort
CGJ-B3 - Wise Men with Flag
CGJ-B4 - Wise Men with Poinsettia

CGJ-C : Medium Figurines
$20.00 each
CGJ-C1 - Wise Men, 5"L x 5"H
CGJ-C2 - Nativity, 3.75"L x 5"H
CGJ-C3 - Don Quijote, 3.75"L x 6"H

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Not Available
CGJ-D : Angel Boxes
$14.00 each
3.5"H - 4"H
Available in different messages and colors.
CGJ-D1 - Heart bottom
CGJ-D2 - Square bottom
CGJ-D3 - Circle Bottom

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Not Available
Not Available
CGJ-E : Guitar Figurines
$14.00 each
2.25"Diameter, 5.5"H
CGJ-E1 - With Flowers (more colors)
CGJ-E2 - With Hibiscus (Amapola)
CGJ-E3 - With Coquà Frog
CGJ-E4 - With Butterfly
CGJ-E5 - With Poinsettia

CGJ-F1 : Angel Plaques
$14.00 each
3.5"L x 4.75"H
Hangs from string.
More outfit colors are available.
Borders either with glaze or in ceramic color.
CGJ-F1-1 - Purple
CGJ-F1-2 - Yellow
CGJ-F1-3 - Light Blue
CGJ-F1-4 - Pink

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Not Available
Not Available
CGJ-F2 : Wise Men Plaques
$14.00 each
3.5"L x 4.5"H
Hangs from string.
More outfit colors are available.
CGJ-F2-1 - Dark Blue Sky
CGJ-F2-2 - Purple Sky
CGJ-F2-3 - Dark Green Sky
CGJ-F2-4 - Black Sky
CGJ-F2-5 - Brown Sky

CGJ-F3 : Wise Men Plaques
$14.00 each
3.5"L x 5"H
Hangs from string.
More border colors and textures available.
CGJ-F3-1 - Dark Blue Border
CGJ-F3-2 - Black Border
CGJ-F3-3 - Green Border
CGJ-F3-4 - Purple Border
CGJ-F3-5 - Brown Border
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Not Available
Not Available

CGJ-H : Crosses
$24.00 each
7"L x 9"H, various sizes
Hangs from wall.
Variety of cross colors, cross shapes, and cross textures.
CGJ-H1 - Mother with Baby
CGJ-H2 - Angel with Star
CGJ-H3 - Baby Angel
CGJ-H4 - Angel with Book
CGJ-H5 - Butterfly
CGJ-H6 - Nativity with Roof
CGJ-H7 - Larger Nativity

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CGJ-G : Standing up Plaques
$13.00 each
3.5"L x 5.5"H
Includes a Plastic Stand
More border colors and textures available.
CGJ-G1-1 - Fort with Ceramic Border
CGJ-G1-2 - Fort with Glazed Border
CGJ-G2-1 - Wise Men with Glazed Border
CGJ-G2-2 - Wise Men with Ceramic Border
CGJ-G3-1 - Nativity with Ceramic Border
CGJ-G3-2 - Nativity with Glazed Border
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Not Available
Not Available

CGJ-I : Card Holders
$20.00 each
5.75"L x 3"H
Some designs available in more colors.
CGJ-I1 - Fort, Flag, and Coquà Frog
CGJ-I2 - Fort and Coquà Frog on Leaves
CGJ-I3 - Angel with Flowers
CGJ-I4 - Lady Justice with Scales
CGJ-I5 - Don Quijote and Windmill
CGJ-I6 - Wise Men and Nativity
CGJ-I7 - Staff of Hermes (Medicine)

CGJ-J : Card Holders and Pencil Holders
7"L x 4.5"H
CALR-G1 - Flag Door Building
CGJ-J1 - $17.00, Fort
CGJ-J2 - $22.00, Wise Men on Horseback,
CGJ-J3 - $22.00, Wise Men with Gifts

CGJ-K : Fort-shaped Candles
$22.00 each
4.5"L x 5.5"H
Candle wax available in different colors.
CGJ-K1 - Fort Design

CGJ-L : Angel Figurines
$22.00 each
4.25"Diameter, 3.5"H
Available in different dress colors.
CGJ-L1 - Holding Flowers
CGJ-L2 - Folded Hands

CGJ-M : Baby Jesus and Puerto Rican Flag
$13.00 each
3"L x 2.5"W x 1.75"H
CGJ-M1 - with Sunflower
CGJ-M2 - with Dove

CGJ-N1 : Nativity in House Plaques
$20.00 each
4"L x 8.5"H
Available in more colors and textures.
CGJ-N1-1 - Welcome
CGJ-N1-2 - God Bless This Home
CGJ-N1-3 - Home Sweet Home

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Not Available
Not Available
CGJ-N2 : Tall Nativity Plaques
$20.00 each
4"L x 8.5"H
Available in more colors and textures.
CGJ-N2-1 - Welcome
CGJ-N2-2 - God Bless This Home
CGJ-N2-3 - Home Sweet Home
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CGJ-N3 : Wise Men Plaques
$20.00 each
4"L x 8.5"H
Available in more colors and textures.
CGJ-N3-1 - Welcome
CGJ-N3-2 - God Bless This Home
CGJ-N3-3 - Home Sweet Home
Not Available

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Not Available
Not Available
CGJ-N4 : Wise Men on Horseback Plaques
$20.00 each
4"L x 8.5"H
Available in more colors and textures.
CGJ-N4-1 - Welcome
CGJ-N4-2 - God Bless This Home
CGJ-N4-3 - Home Sweet Home

CGJ-N5 : Butterfly Plaques
$20.00 each
4"L x 8.5"H
Available in more colors and textures.
CGJ-N5-1 - Welcome
CGJ-N5-2 - God Bless This Home
CGJ-N5-3 - Home Sweet Home

CGJ-N6 : Angel Plaques
$20.00 each
4"L x 8.5"H
Available in more colors and textures.
CGJ-N6-1 - Welcome
CGJ-N6-2 - God Bless This Home
CGJ-N6-3 - Home Sweet Home

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Not Available
CGJ-N7 : Fort Plaques
$20.00 each
4"L x 8.5"H
Available in more colors and textures.
CGJ-N7-1 - Welcome
CGJ-N7-2 - God Bless This Home
CGJ-N7-3 - Home Sweet Home
CGJ-N8 : Don Quijote Plaques
$20.00 each
4"L x 8.5"H
Available in more colors and textures.
CGJ-N8-1 - Welcome
CGJ-N8-2 - God Bless This Home
CGJ-N8-3 - Home Sweet Home
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CGJ-N9 : Old San Juan Plaques
$22.00 each
4"L x 8.5"H
Available in more colors and textures.
CGJ-N8-1 - Welcome
CGJ-N8-2 - God Bless This Home
CGJ-N8-3 - Home Sweet Home
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CGJ-O1 : Wise Men Large Plaques
$40.00 each
5.5"L x 12.5"H
Available in more colors and textures.
CGJ-O1-1 - Welcome
CGJ-O1-2 - God Bless This Home
Not Available
CGJ-O2 : Nativity Large Plaques
$40.00 each
5.5"L x 14"H
Available in more colors and textures.
CGJ-O2-1 - Welcome
CGJ-O2-2 - God Bless This Home
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Not Available
CGJ-O3 : Angel Large Plaques
$36.00 each
4.25"L x 13"H
Available in more colors and textures.
CGJ-O3-1 - Welcome
CGJ-O3-2 - God Bless This Home
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CGJ-O4 : Fort Large Plaques
$28.00 each
"L x "H
Available in more colors and textures.
CGJ-O4-1 - Welcome
CGJ-O4-2 - God Bless This Home
Not Available
Not Available

CEG-Z1 : Ginger Flower Messages
$40.00 each
Hangs from wall.
CEG-Z1 - God Bless This Home
CEG-Z2 - Welcome (Spanish)
CEG-Z3 - Welcome (English)

CEG-N : Bird Messages
$40.00 each
Hangs from wall.
CEG-N1 - God Bless This Home
CEG-N2 - Welcome (Spanish)
CEG-N3 - Welcome (English)

CEG-AA : Flower Messages
$40.00 each
Hangs from wall.
CEG-AA1 - God Bless This Home
CEG-AA2 - Welcome (Spanish)
CEG-AA3 - Welcome (English)
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CEG-Y1 : Flower Messages
$40.00 each
Hangs from wall.
CEG-Y1 - God Bless This Home
CEG-Y2 - Welcome (Spanish)
CEG-Y3 - Welcome (English)
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CEG-O : Anacahuita Leaf
Hangs from wall.
Various natural tones available.
Only decorative; NOT FOOD SAFE!
CALR-G1 - Flag Door Building
CEG-O1 - $20.00, Mini,
CEG-O2 - $30.00, Small
CEG-O3 - $36.00, Medium,
CEG-O4 - $44.00, Large
CEG-O5 - $56.00, Extra Large,

CEG-P : Breadfruit Leaf (Hoja de Panapén)
Hangs from wall.
Various natural tones available.
Only decorative; NOT FOOD SAFE!
CALR-G1 - Flag Door Building
CEG-P1 - $20.00, Mini,
CEG-P2 - $30.00, Small
CEG-P3 - $36.00, Medium
CEG-P4 - $44.00, Large
CEG-P5 - $56.00, Extra Large
Not Available
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Not Available
Not Available

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Not Available

CEG-Q : Taro Root Leaf (Hoja de Yautía)
Hangs from wall.
Various natural tones available.
Only decorative; NOT FOOD SAFE!
CALR-G1 - Flag Door Building
CEG-Q1 - $20.00, Mini,
CEG-Q2 - $30.00, Small
CEG-Q2 - $36.00, Medium,
CEG-Q3 - $44.00, Large,
CEG-Q4 - $56.00, Extra Large,

CEG-R : Plantain Leaf
Hangs from wall.
Various natural tones available.
Only decorative; NOT FOOD SAFE!
CALR-G1 - Flag Door Building
CEG-R1 - $20.00, Mini
CEG-R2 - $30.00, Small
CEG-R2 - $40.00, Medium,
CEG-R3 - $44.00, Large,
CEG-R4 - $56.00, Extra Large,
CEG-S : Teak Leaf (Hoja de Teca)
Hangs from wall.
Various natural tones available.
Only decorative; NOT FOOD SAFE!
CALR-G1 - Flag Door Building
CEG-S1 - $20.00, Mini,
CEG-S2 - $30.00, Small
CEG-S2 - $36.00, Medium
CEG-S3 - $44.00, Large,
CEG-S4 - $56.00, Extra Large

CEG-T : Trumpet Tree Leaf (Hoja de Yagrumo)
Hangs from wall.
Various natural tones available.
Only decorative; NOT FOOD SAFE!
CALR-G1 - Flag Door Building
CEG-T1 - $30.00, Mini
CEG-T2 - $44.00, Small
CEG-T3 - $50.00, Medium
CEG-T4 - $60.00, Large

CEG-U : Leaf Bowl
Does not hang from wall.
Various natural tones available.
Only decorative; NOT FOOD SAFE!
CALR-G1 - Flag Door Building
CEG-U1 - $36.00, Small, 6.5"L x 7"H
CEG-U2 - $85.00, Large,

CEG-V : Sunflower Bowl
$36.00 each
9"Diameter, 2"W
Hangs from wall.
Various natural tones available.
Only decorative; NOT FOOD SAFE!

CEG-W : Small Plates
$35.00 each
6.5"Diameter, 1.5"W
Hangs from wall.
More designs available!
Only decorative; NOT FOOD SAFE!
CEG-W1 - Butterflies
CEG-W2 - Scenery
CEG-W3 - Bird
CEG-W4 - Coffee Pot
CEG-W5 - Leaves
CEG-W6 - Cat
CEG-X : Large Figurines
Does not hang from wall.
CALR-G1 - Flag Door Building
CEG-X1 - $150.00, Nativity on Leaf,
CEG-X2 - $150.00, Nativity on Leaf,

Not Available

Male Guitarist

Female Guitarist

Female Singer
Male Actor

Female Seamstress

Female Computer Technician
Male Computer Technician
Female Mail Carrier

Male Firefighter